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The Best Types of Tangiers Shisha Lines


Tangiers shisha tobacco is a famous brand among hookah lovers around the globe. Known for their meticulous tender loving care, Tangiers produces all batches by hand using the top-notch tobacco as well as the most exquisite natural flavorings. This leads to a vibrant and energetic smoking experience for the genuine hookah fan. Getting into smoking Tangiers tobacco can be somewhat scary for another smoker. In this post, we will be stating the best Tangiers shisha lines, and go over the differences between them.

Tangiers Noir Shisha

Tangiers Noir is the first line of shisha created by Tangiers and features dozens of incredible flavors. All Tangiers Noir flavors use unwashed tobacco and, as such, have a higher nicotine level than most shisha brands that use washed tobacco. Expect a decent heady buzz when smoking Tangiers Noir. Make sure to appropriately adjust your shisha before smoking this shisha tobacco and always keep it stored in an air-tight container. The common well-known Tangiers Noir flavors are the Cane Mint and Horchata with Blue Gumball accompanying them.

Tangiers Burley Shisha

Tangiers Burley is the newest line from Tangiers and is much stronger than Tangiers Noir. This shisha line features anearthier Tangiers tobacco and more nicotine than different Tangiers lines. Anticipate profound, rich, confused flavors and a sizable head buzz when smoking Tangiers Burley. Most loved Tangiers Burley flavors incorporate Kashmir Peach, Cane Mint, and Tropical Revenge.

Tangiers Birquq Shisha

Tangiers Birquq is another generally new expansion to the world of Tangiers hookah tobacco. Birquq gets designed to be a lot easier to smoke than different Tangiers lines, and furthermore requires less heat when smoking. With Tangiers Birquq, you don't have to run through time readjusting your shisha, and as such, it is an exceptional spot for someone brand-new to Tangiers to start. The most common Birquq shisha flavors join Cane Mint.

Tangiers Lucid Shisha

The Tangiers Lucid line is no longer underway and was the precursor to the Birquq line. Lucid get designed to have a lower nicotine level than different Tangiers lines. At the point when Tangiers Birquq got presented, the Lucid line discontinued.

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